The Calrossy P & F supports the students at our School through fundraising and providing a voice for Calrossy families and the wider community. As your P & F we take great pride in keeping the School community connected, making change that matters and supporting the vibrant learning environment that is Calrossy.

Parents and Friends (P&F)
Who we are
Calrossy P & F is made up of parents and friends of Calrossy students. Parents are encouraged to be part of the conversations through our twice per term meetings where everyone has an opportunity to express their ideas, provide feedback, ask questions, and invest in the educational journey for the students at Calrossy today and into the future.
What we do
Our P & F are helping to build a strong sense of community through involvement in various School events and supporting the opportunities for our students. Our most recent initiative is the Bursary assistance program where students can apply for support so they can attend cultural or sporting activities.
How we do it!
Recent P & F events include;
- Colour Runs
- BBQs, Stalls
- Catering, Dinner dances
- Golf Days
- Our unique partnership with Tamworth Rugby Club
- New ideas are always welcome and encouraged!
A voice for the community
The Calrossy P & F has members from the School Executive regularly attend our meetings and receives invitations to be part of the conversation on all topics. Our P & F has held parent forums around important issues such school structure and uniform. The voice of the parent body is a valued part of decision making and direction at Calrossy.
Our P&F has helped to fund
Recent improvements and initiatives made thanks to the P & F include;
- Playground sensory equipment
- Refrigerated drinking bubblers
- Table tennis tables
- Concrete handball courts
- Library Trolleys
- Supporting students who have represented Calrossy in the IPSHA Choir, Band, partners regularly with the SRC and supports many other co-curricular opportunities
- Supported the infrastructure with the installation of shade shelters and investments into Goldsworthy Oval.
Our P & F Team
- Andrew Yeo President
- Kate Randall Vice President
- Jocelyn Goodfellow Treasurer
- Michael Wilson Secretary
- Kate Arndell, Mel Pearson and Bec Honeyfield Secondary Representatives
- Vacant Boarder Representatives
- Michelle Hobbs and Jodie McMahon Junior School Representatives
Hear from the President
The Calrossy Parents and Friends have been investing in change that matters for the students since 1963. The P & F of 2024 is built on the legacy of the past members and supporters who implemented many amazing initiatives and kept our community together through the good times and not so good.
I myself have children at our School and I want all of our community to be part of the conversation. Our role as a P & F is to keep people together and to help impact the change that matters across our School and lead the conversation. We are very fortunate to have the backing from the School with Principal David Smith joining our meetings as well as access to support. The meetings are a chance to come together and discuss new ideas and opportunities that will bring people together. These meetings also discuss ways to fundraise so we can continue to provide opportunity or improvements for the students and staff in and out of the classroom.
If you would like to contact us please email: and follow our Hub page.
I look forward to meeting you at an upcoming P & F event or meeting soon.
Kind Regards
Andrew Yeo
Andrew Yeo